Wednesday, 23 June 2010

This is a house of ill repute!

There's a new building that's gone up on the corner opposite. It's a sliver of a thing: one window deep. Still, that's 5 windows (one per floor) to peak at, Rear Window style, from my kitchen window. The ground floor has floor to ceiling windows, rather dodgy on a busy street corner if you ask me... and is apparently an office. I say apparently because for all intents and purposes it's done up as a posh designer flat. But they have a sign in the window advertising an opening for an office manager/receptionist...

The next floor up is empty. The top flat boasts a huge flat screen plasma TV. They watch a lot of sports and trashy stuff... The next floor down is done up in a very masculine way but apparently a single woman lives there - unless she's the cleaning lady.

The second floor was the first flat to be occupied. And has been an object of fascination (it doesn't take much, think of a cat and a piece of string) ever since. First of all, in the beginning, they put up dark plastic sheets to block out the window. But now that the weather has turned warm, they have relented and taken them down, and leave the window open. Fascinating...

There are two desks facing each other in the corner of the room by the window. Day and night girls sit in front of the computers. They've also taken to putting bath towels out to dry. Over the weekend, I became convinced that the flat was being used as brothel or phone/internet adult site. Now I'm not so sure. I think they're just students cramming for exams!

Doesn't quite have the same ring to it...

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